Mount Keira Demonstration School

Learning and Caring

Telephone02 4229 1446

About our school

Located in one of the most beautiful settings overlooking Wollongong, Mt Keira School and its environs have been much loved by students over the years. 

Commencing in 1861 as a 22 feet by 11 feet one room, slab and board building, the "Slack Heap School" was situated on a site adjacent to the Mount Keira Colliery. The school quickly fell into poor condition with the shingle roof leaking and the westerly winds whistling through the gaps in the slab walls. A campaign was undertaken to find a suitable site for replacement. 

In 1876, a new Mansfield designed sandstone building and residence was erected on a site donated by J and F Osborne. The school building and the now converted residence are still in use today. A two classroom building was added to the site in 2010 under the Federal Government BER project. 

The school prides itself on providing a happy, safe school environment where children confidently develop as individuals academically, creatively, socially and morally. 

Academically our school results are impressive in both Literacy and Numeracy with the students consistently demonstrating results above state and national averages in NAPLAN testing. These excellent results reflect the exceptional quality teaching and learning programs that are in place at Mt Keira and the high level of collaboration between our students, staff and the community. 

The creative arts are highly valued by the school community. The children participate in term assemblies, Southern Stars Arena Spectaculars, choir and dance performances for community groups and end of year concerts. They also attend a variety of music, dance and drama presentations. Students use a variety of art forms to create artworks inspired by Aboriginal, European and Australian artists. 

The children are given numerous opportunities throughout their schooling to participate in varied sporting activities from swimming, athletics and cross carnivals through to zumba, gymnastics and basketball classes. Many children represent the district and region in a variety of sports. All children also participate in fitness sessions led by our senior students. 

Technology is used extensively throughout the school and all children have access to computers in their classrooms and the library. The children use a variety of programs and services to enhance their learning tasks. 

We look forward to continuing the proud tradition of providing quality education to the children of Mt Keira in a caring, stimulating environment for many years to come.